Will you join us?
Welcome to BMRA
The Association has as its objective, the protection of the rights and interests of its members as well as the protection and preservation of the residential integrity of the area which includes the built and natural environment of the area.
The BMRA website has been created as a community service to inform the residents of the area on local information, matters, events and items of general interest to them. Whilst all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of information provided, no liability or responsibility whatsoever is accepted if information or data is, for whatever reason, incorrect.
The area in which the Association operates is a sought-after one with easy access to transport routes, shopping centres and business hubs, yet is a secure, stable, well maintained suburban environment, catering to all ages and a short walk, ride or drive away from the scenic beauty of the Constantiaberg Valley. The area boasts premier schools, retirement facilities, sporting and other community facilities as well as various small shopping centres catering for the needs of the community.
On this website you will also find contact details for the various departments of the City of Cape Town as well as contact details for some of the organisations/churches/schools in the area.
If you are a resident who does not belong to the Association, we would love to welcome you as a member. The more members we have, the more representative we are, and the more effective we will be in ensuring that the area retains its integrity. You can email for information on how to join.
The Association has as its objective, the protection of the rights and interests of its members as well as the protection and preservation of the residential integrity of the area which includes the built and natural environment of the area.

About us
As a result of the threat to incorporate Bergvliet into the Cape Town Municipal area, a group of concerned Bergvliet residents held a meeting on 5 June 1947 when members were elected to serve on a Temporary Committee. The first AGM of the Bergvliet Civic Association was held on 12 June 1947 attended by 62 residents. A Constitution with the objects of promoting the interest of property owners, considering local government affairs to safeguard the interests of the residents of Bergvliet Estate and to put forward suggestions to the council concerned promoting better living, health and recreational facilities for the residents of the Bergvliet Estate, was adopted and it was unanimously resolved to address a letter to the Administrator of the Cape protesting the possible incorporation of Bergvliet to the jurisdiction of the Cape Town Municipality …
Get involved …
Our mission to hold Council to account and to represent the interests of our beautiful area depends on you, and people like you, supporting our association. The Association continues to work to maintain the standards and values of the area set by the first residents and Executive Committees of the two Associations.
Latest News
Bergvliet & Meadowridge Ratepayers Association AGM 2024
This is an advance notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Bergvliet & Meadowridge Ratepayers Association which will take place at Bergvliet Primary School Hall on Thursday 24 October 2024. Further details will be posted nearer to the date